MS CRM 4.0 – Common Upgrade Issues

Keep following things in your mind if you are upgrading from MS CRM 3.0 to CRM 4.0Any Un supported customization will not upgradeAny 3rd party tool will not upgrade like C360 components etc. It will give you trouble so first remove that and check your vendor for upgradeable version for CRM 4.0, I am sure […]

Reports disappear only on local server! Not via http

Go to CRM server! 1. Start Reporting Services. Typical http://servername/reports2. Click the company name. 3. Click Show Details. 4. Open MSCRM DataSource. 5. In the Connect Using area, click Credentials stored securely in the report server, and then click Impersonate the authenticated user after a connection has been made to the data source. 6. Type […]

“Not have enough privilege to complete Create operation for an Sdk entity” exception when you register a CRM 4.0 plug-in

CRM 4.0 introduces the concept of plug-ins that will replace the callouts. CRM 4.0 Plug-in is custom business logic that can be integrated into CRM 4.0’s platform. Plug-ins are much more powerful than callouts, but require more work to be deployed successfully. It’s sometimes not easy to be successful with plug-in registration if you forget […]

MS CRM 3.0 Ignore Errors in Outlook Versions!

Under HKCUSoftwareMicrosoft create a registry entry for MSCRMClient Under MSCRMClient create a new reg_dword key called “IgnoreChecks” Make the value 1Re-run the installation. You will get the same error, however the Next button will be available and the install should complete without errors.That should work.